
Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Japan: Three relaxing days

The last three days in Japan Baby O and I stayed in Osaka to spend more time with family and J headed up to Tokyo for a work. We spent these three days just doing regular things.

One afternoon my brother, Baby O and I picked up cousin S from daycare and then played at the park.
Baby O wanted to go everywhere that Cousin S went.
The next day was the 4th of July. Cousin S had a program at his daycare that we went to in the morning. It was so cute! The parents helped with an art project and they kids had a short concert as well. We went to lunch with friends and had good old fashioned burgers and fries for dinner. It was a great 4th of July with family.
Daycare program
Baby O keeping busy
He always wanted to do what his cousin was doing!
On our last day in Japan we got to see Cousin S do some swimming. Then we did some bubbling blowing/popping before heading to the airport.
Cousin S is in the far right lane.
I know I said this before but I really had such a great time in Japan, it felt like we had visited home, not a foreign country. It was comfortable, relaxing, easy to get around, good food and so much fun!

And one last picture that perfectly sums up our flight home:


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